"Night Rush "
We rolled the moon like dung beetles unaware that it was really our tent's thin bones glowing under the silver of splash down. Maybe you could tell from the way each swallowed breath slapped my chest, how this world sang to me. The way the grass reached up to sear my hands with its beauty and how every so often l would stop, wiggle my toes in the black wet peat. And between the spaces, I’d tell you of my grandmother the traveler, her hair like a perfumery of cinnabar and cheddars. When she told a story, she'd roll my hands and hers would become the sun falling away from the curve of the earth, back through all the days and nights, to youth in a sleeping bag, face shuttered against the heavens. She'd tell me how Andromeda painted herself across her lashes, how crickets broke their bodies against her bed, how eventually she'd sleep, melt like a Dali clock towards the quiet waters of the lake.
© 2005 Lisa Megraw
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